In this activity, children move the owl’s eyes with a jumbo stick to match the arrow code. In addition to learning the direction of up, down, left, right and the use of hand and finger muscles, this activity will also help children to understand road crossing instructions in the future. Let’s do this.

What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables (Link in Bio)
- Jumbo Craft Sticks
- Cardboard
- Push Pins
- Transparent Tape
- Cutter Knife / Scissors

How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavor free printable file and cut along the dotted lines.
- Attach each pair of eyes with a jumbo stick. Insert the jumbo sticks at the cutouts on the back of each owl. Then stick the owl sheet on the cardboard box with clear tape.
- Pin an arrow on the cardboard box above each owl. Be careful of children playing with pins.
How to play
- Show your children how to move the jumbo stick in the direction of the arrow. Rotate the arrows left, right, up, and down.
- Invite your children to move the jumbo stick to match the arrow and talk about each direction.

- Repeat 3 more times for a full circle pattern.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.