To reinforce the numbers 1 to 9 and exercise hand-eye coordination
This activity reinforces the numbers 1 to 9 and encourages memorization and identification. When using dot stamps, children not only exercise hand-eye coordination, but also improve concentration while aiming at the numbers and pressing their hands to stamp on the numbers. Let’s get started.

What you’ll need
- Dot Markers

How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavors printable file.
- Place the first worksheet in front of the child. (The worksheets are arranged in order)
How to play
- Point to the number on the red apple and ask your child to read the number.
- Ask your child to find and stamp all of the same numbers. Then ask them to double check if there are any more of the same numbers left.
- Repeat the steps for the next number.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.