To train the brain to see shapes, colors and patterns separately and together
In this activity, kids train their brains to see shapes, colors and patterns separately and together. Recognizing shapes, colors and patterns sharpens their visual senses and develops problem-solving skills. Let’s get started.

What you’ll need
- Scissors

How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavors printable file.
- Cut out 3 shape cards, 3 color cards, and 4 pattern cards.
- Cut out 36 large combination cards.
How to play
- Place the play mat with blank boxes in front of your child, with one larger box on top.
Place a random sample card on the large box and talk about its shape, color and pattern.
Ask your child to place the matching shape on the left box, the matching color on the center box,
and the matching pattern on the right box. Repeat the process with the other combinations - Place the play mat with blank boxes in front of your child, with three smaller boxes on top.
Place a random shape card on the left box, a random color card on the center box, and a random pattern card on the right box. Talk about the shape, color and pattern and their combination.
Ask your child to find and place their combination card on the large box.
Repeat the process to get different combinations.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.