This party game is just for fun! Children with a sense of humor tend to come up with new and varied approaches to every situation, even in the face of hardships. Let’s make your kids laugh and laugh with them.

What you’ll need
- Cardboard
- Chanafavors Free Printables
- Masking Tape
- Magic Markers
- Cutter Knife
- Laminator and Laminating Pouches
- Hot Glue Gun and Sticks

How to Set Up
- Print and cut out the Chanafavors free printable for eyes, nose and mouths. Laminate them to last longer (optional).
- Roll the masking tape and attach it to the back of the parts.
- Draw a large circle on the cardboard for the face and make two small holes for hands, using a round tray and lid for the template. Attach the cardboard with the bases with a hot glue gun and hold the cardboard box upright.

*Take a photo of the faces and print them to display on the refrigerator. It can create a smile every time someone sees it.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.