This is a lot of fun. In this activity, children learn to follow a 5-step instructions, think about the relationship and meaning of pictures and words, and follow the instructions, plus practice a firm grip. Let’s get started.

What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables (Link in Bio)
- Laminator and Laminating Pouches
- Whiteboard Markers

How to Set Up
- Print out the Chanafavors free printable files and cut out the instruction cards.
- Laminate the farm sheet or put it in a plastic folder.
How to play
- Show your children how to play it. Select an order card and read the orders.
- Place the order card in front of you. Ask your children where to pick up the order and draw a line from the starting point to the destination. Complete the orders.
- Have your child pick up another card and repeat the process.

- After the kids read the order card, you may hide it to make the game more challenging.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.