Let’s do the math play from an egg carton again. This time we will do subtraction. Children can understand the meaning of subtracting numbers from this activity.

What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables
- Egg Carton
- Cutter Knife
- Pom Pom Balls
- Bottle Caps
- Numbers

How to Set Up
- Number the bottle caps from 0-10. You can write the numbers or attach craft numbers on the bottle caps with a glue gun (to last longer) like I did.
- Turn the egg carton upside down and make ten holes in the positions as shown in the video.
- Print Chanafavors free printable file for the worksheet. Put two numbers on the sheet.

*Always start with a higher number to avoid confusion in young children.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.