The clothespin is a simple tool to help develop your child’s fine motor skills. Play this with your kids, so next time you hang clothes, you can ask them for help 😀 Let’s do it!

What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables
- Double-sided Tape
- Laminator and Laminating Pouches
- Scissors
- Wooden Clothespins

How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavors free printable file and laminate the sheet. Cut into the shape of animals and their legs.
- Attach each leg on a wooden clothespin with double-sided tape.
- Mix all legs in a basket.

*You should try the clothespins several times first to make the spring soft and comfortable for children to hold.
*Next time you hang your clothes, you can ask your child for help with the clothespins.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.