To encourage your child to learn to notice similarities and differences in details
This sorting activities encourage children to learn to notice similarities and differences in details and train their memory and hand-eye coordination. Children can also play the cookie shop with these printable cutouts. Let’s get started.
What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables (Link in Bio)
- Circle Punch (1 1/2 in.)
- Plastic Sheet
- Double-sided Tape
- Cardstock (White Paper)
- Cutter Knife / Scissors
How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavors free printable file.
- Cut out the jar image from the printout. Remove the inside of the jar. Stick the jar frame on top of the clear plastic sheet and stick it on the blank paper with double-sided tape.
- Cut the cookies out and put the cookies on the tray.
How to play
- Add a cookie to the jar. Invite your children to choose the similar cookies from the tray and put them into the jar.
- Add two types of cookies to make it more challenging.
- Play cookie shop with the kids. Ask about different types of cookies. Let them explain the similarities and differences. Order some. Have fun.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.