Create Christmas tree decorations from random ornaments.
In this activity, players can create Christmas tree decorations from random ornaments. Children not only get acquainted with the probabilities of dice and get unique decorations, but also practice hand and finger control. Let’s get started.

What you’ll need
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
- Sticker Paper

How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavors printable file.
- Cut out the ornaments.
- Cut out the dices. Fold along the dotted lines and attach double-sided tape along the tabs. Then construct the dices.
How to play
- Place the Christmas tree sheet in front of each player. Select and roll the dice and place the corresponding ornaments according to the dice.
- Next player repeats the steps and takes turn to fill the tree.
- Each player will have their own unique Christmas Tree.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.