In this activity, children will practice hand-eye coordination by picking up and inserting a small tube into the tiger’s whisker. Sorting colors is also a brain exercise. Start with their dominant hand. Then it’s getting a little harder and more fun with non-dominant hand. Let’s do it.

What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables (Link in Bio)
- Pipe Cleaners
- Straw
- Hot Glue Gun and Sticks
- Crayon Colors
- Cardboard

How to Set Up
- Print the Chanafavors free printable file. Have your children paint the tiger’s face.
- Cut out the tiger’s face and glue it on the cardboard. Attach the pipe cleaners as tiger’s whiskers with a glue gun.
- Cut the colored straws into short pieces and place them in the cup.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.