Push Pin Points

Push Pin Points – To help kids learn how rows and columns work in tables think systematically

This printable game combines the excitement of rolling dice with the challenge of locating coordinates on a table grid. Players push colorful pins into the board to claim their spots and practice finger strength and dexterity at the same time. 🌟 Plus, they’ll exercise critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they strategize their moves. Let’s Play.

What you’ll need

  • Cardboard 
  • Glue 
  • Scissors
  • Push Pins

How to Set Up

  • Print and cut out the table grid and dices. Attach the grid to double-layered cardboard, make the dice, and get a bowl of push pins. Count the pins before and after playing for safety.

How to play

  • Take turns rolling both the alphabet and number dice. Read the coordinate out loud and push a pin onto the corresponding location on the table grid. If a location is already taken, the current player does not get to push a pin. The player with the most locations claimed at the end of the game wins! Adult supervision is recommended for push pins.


Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.

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