Palm Tap Color Game Printable #chanafavors
Explore our Palm Tap Color Game! 🌈 Boost memory and motor skills in a playful way suitable for all ages. Delight in vibrant hues as you tap your way to sharper cognitive abilities.
- Cardboard
- Cutter KnifeÂ
- Scissors
- Glue Stick
How to Set Up
- To set up, print the template and reinforce it with cardboard. Attach three pieces of cardboard to the gray area. Place an order card in the slot and cover the colored dots with the blank card. Attach the frame on top.
How to play
- Place the colored circle cutouts on the table. Slide the cover to reveal one dot, then tap the matching colored circle with your palm. Slide the cover again to reveal the second dot, and tap both the first and second colors. Repeat this process until all six dots are revealed.
- If you make a mistake, simply restart. Players will memorize the colors’ positions and respond accordingly.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.