Children can learn color names and find things in the room with the same color. This activity helps develop the ability to identify color names and create the links between visual clues and the names.

What you’ll need
- Chanafavors Free Printables
- Scissors
- Cutter Knife
- Cutting Mat
- Glue Stick

How to Set Up
- Print the template from Chanafavors free printable file and cut out for the heart and two strips of paper. Use the heart as a template and make more hearts in other colors.
- Fold the large strip and attach the top of the hearts to the strip at the marked positions.
- Use the small strip to make a loop around the large strip for the hand grip.

*You could use 3 primary colors and their combination, rainbow colors or random colors as well.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.