Happy Housemates: Color & Pattern Matching Game for Kids, Cute Animal Characters, Fine Motor Skills
Welcome to Happy Housemates! 🏠🐻🐸🐰🐥

What you’ll need
- Scissors
- Double-sided Tape
- Wooden Clothespins
- Wooden Popsicle Sticks (6.5×0.9cm)

How to Set Up
- Print and cut out the cards, houses, characters, and patterned outfits. Attach each outfit to a popsicle stick using double-sided tape and clip a clothespin onto the top of each outfit for the head position. Attach a character head to each clothespin.
How to play
- Draw a card and identify the color of the house roof, character, and pattern of the outfit. Clip the matching character head onto the outfit and place it in front of the corresponding house. Repeat for all cards.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.