Dual-Handed Brain Boost Printable | Enhance Coordination & Cognitive Skills for Kids and Adults Alike
Boost brainpower and coordination with our Dual-Handed Brain Boost Printable! 🧠🔢 Engage kids in a fun, educational game that enhances cognitive skills and hand-eye coordination. Unlock their full potential today! Visit our Etsy store for brain-boosting fun! 🎉

What you’ll need
- Clear Plastic Bags
- Whiteboard Markers
- Cutter Knife / Scissors

How to Set Up
- Print and cut out the play mats and number cards. Place a play mat into a clear plastic bag for reuse.
How to play
- To play, place the play mat in front of the player. Draw a number card and position it on top of the play mat.
- Use your left hand to circle the numbers on the left side and your right hand to circle the numbers on the right side, both at the same time. Move to the next row and repeat for all rows.
- Draw another card and continue the same process for all the play mats. To make it more challenging, set a timer or play with others.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.