Doggy Dinner Dash – Pincer Grasp Fun for Kids! by #chanafavors
Doggy Dinner Dash – Pincer Grasp Fun for Kids!

- Cardboard
- Plastic Cup
- Bamboo Skewer
- Straw
- Hot Glue Gun and Sticks
- Scissors / Glue Stick

How to Set Up
- Attach four plastic cups to each corner of a cardboard piece. Connect the left cups with a straw and the right cups with another straw, securing them with hot glue.
- Paint bamboo sticks red and blue, then cut them into short pieces and place them in one bottom corner cup each to create dog food. Place an image of a dog in both top corner cups.
- Create a tally-marks dice.
How to play
- Players take turns rolling the dice and using their fingers (pincer grasp) to pick up the dog food pieces and insert them into the straws according to the number rolled.
- The pieces move up the straws to the dog cups at the other ends. The player who finishes all the food first wins.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.