To help your child develop hand control and increase concentration
This activity not only helps children to develop hand control, but also to focus on manipulating objects. Children complete the tasks by winding the yarn, moving the magnet and shaking the box and feel confident once the task is completed. Lets do this.

What you’ll need
- Yarn
- Tape
- Pipe Cleaners
- Scissors / Glue
- Magnet
- Pom Pom Balls
- Cardboard Box
- Empty Water Bottle

How to Set Up
- Print out the Chanafavors printable file. Mae holes in the mouths and under the trunk.
- Thread the end of the yarn through the hole from the back of the boy or girl picture. Pull the end of the yarn forward and attach it to the plate with clear tape. Pull the yarn and place it on the plate like spaghetti. Arrange the roll of yarn under the picture and attach the picture sheet to the table with clear tape.
- Attach the bear picture to the cardboard box. Put several short pieces of pipe cleaner into the box. Attach the elephant picture to another cardboard box and glue the plastic bottle mouth to the back of the box.
How to play
- Demonstrate how to wind the yarn slowly and let the kids try it out on their own, repeating if needed.
- Show how to use a magnet to move pipe cleaners into the bear’s mouth and let the kids try it.
- Show how to shake the box to move the pom poms into the hole and let the kids try it themselves.
Adult supervision is required for any activity presented by CHANA and Chanafavors.